Why Your Automobile's Cooling System Needs Regular Inspections


When it comes to your engine coolant for your car, many drivers believe all they need to do is top the fluid off when it starts getting low. The cooling system plays a role in your car engine's health, and as well as other vital components of your car. Consider getting a regular inspection of your car's cooling system for these three reasons. 1. Major Damage Can Happen Due To Small Leaks

10 June 2015

What Is That Smell?: 4 Odors That Indicate Trouble For Your Car


There are a lot of different signs that your car can give you that it is time for an inspection by a mechanic. One of those is the way your car smells. Here are some of the odors you might notice coming from your car and what they could mean: Burnt Toast If you notice a burnt toast smell coming from your car as you drive, it could be an indication that the insulation that surrounds your wires, connections, or fuses is melting or burning.

9 June 2015

3 Mistakes Many Bike Owners Often Make


Any motorcycle enthusiast knows how much fun it is to hit the open road and feel the wind behind them. There are virtually no limits as to how far you can go on your hog. However, that doesn't mean you don't need to spend time making sure your ride is in top shape at all times. All too often, people think they know what they are doing when it comes to the mechanics behind their motorcycle.

8 June 2015

2 Myths About Dealership Repair Costs That Just Aren't True


All car owners have heard horror stories from other car owners about bad repair jobs and bad experiences. In particular, dealership repair shops seem to take a lot of heat. You'll hear people swearing that dealerships frequently overcharge. However, these complaints are really just myths. Don't let these common dealership repair cost myths keep you away from your local dealership for car maintenance and repair. Myth #1: Dealerships Overcharge You For Parts

8 June 2015

Three Tips To Help You Find The Right Repair Shop


It doesn't have to be daunting to find a repair shop that will complete work on your vehicle and meet your expectations. Although it's easy to get inundated with various options and occasionally feel lost as to how you should proceed, your best bet is to take a sheet of paper, list four or five repair shops in your city and begin jotting down the pros and cons for each. Opt for in-person visits over phone calls, as seeing each facility and speaking to a representative face to face can convince you whether a certain shop is the right one.

6 June 2015

Caring For Older Cars: Where You Should Focus


If a lack of funds has forced you to hold onto an older car longer than you had planned, it is important that you take good care of it. An older car might require more TLC than a newer one, but it can be just as dependable if treated right. Here are some areas of your car to focus on the most.  Brakes Whether you have a new car or an old one, the brakes are an important component.

5 June 2015

What You Should Know About Repairing Brake Fluid Leaks


Your car's brake pedal should never go directly to the floor. If it does, that's a sign that your brake fluid levels may be too low and there's insufficient hydraulic pressure in the system. You can add more brake fluid, but if there's a leak, you'll only find yourself back where you started. Before you put more fluid into the brake system, you should address the source of the leak first.

4 June 2015

3 Features To Look For In A Road Trip Vehicle


Going on a road trip can be a fantastic experience, and having the right vehicle for the trip can make the experience even better. You will want to look for the best fuel economy possible, a roomy cabin, and a lot of cargo capacity when looking for the perfect road trip vehicle. Cargo Capacity One of the most important aspects to consider when looking for a road trip vehicle is cargo capacity.

3 June 2015